What is the Difference Between an 在线的老师 and 学习教练

student learning the difference between an online teacher and learning coach

When you first heard the term “学习教练,” you may have thought it was synonymous with “teacher,” just like many first-time at-home school parents. 乍一看, these titles seem similar because they both involve a degree of leadership for students. But when it comes to virtual school, the roles of 学习教练 vs. 老师是非常独特的. 

So, as the parent of a virtual school student, 你应该扮演什么角色

老师和 学习教练 are accountable for several duties throughout a child’s education that they each handle differently; however, both collaborate to enhance the student’s online learning experience. 

If you’re considering online school for your child, we are here to help you determine how to fulfill your 学习教练 role and find the right level of parent involvement in your child’s schooling. Take a look at the various differences between teacher and 学习教练 below to learn more about your specific duties and the ways each role can complement the other!

在线教师vs. 学习教练

Virtual schools have certified 老师 who are dedicated to helping students succeed. 但是什么是学习教练呢? A 学习教练 is a trusted adult who serves as a guide, 支持者, and motivator to further stimulate learning and establish a suitable structure for the school day at home. 学习教练的角色是不断发展的 over time as the student gains confidence and develops more academic 技能.

除此之外, 老师 学习教练监督日常学习, 提供援助, 并以不同的方式监测进展.


Breathe easy; it is the teacher's responsibility to teach and provide students with learning material. A K-12 学习教练 is not required to plan any lessons or select curriculum. 相反,他们应该 确保学生保持专注 每个上学日. 

Here are a few examples of tasks 老师 and 学习教练 complete to facilitate daily learning:


  • Leads the class during real-time 虚拟教室 sessions
  • 呈现新材料
  • 为特定科目计划各种课程
  • Determines which topics will be covered each day


  • Encourages breaks throughout the day when appropriate
  • 激励学生 完成课程
  • Makes sure the student has what they need for a productive school day
  • Asks the student what they learned at the end of each day to maintain open dialogue


因为老师领导班级, it is important that major questions about assignments and learning material be directed at them—after all, 这就是老师的职责所在! 学习教练 can help with small concerns and questions such as, "Am I on the right track?或“我在这篇文章中说得清楚吗??" 

The more students reach out to their 老师, the more they will grow to be independent learners. Here are a few examples of tasks that 老师 and 学习教练 complete to effectively assist students:


  • 回答学生的问题 虚拟教室,或通过电话或WebMail
  • Offers support through individual online sessions
  • Personalizes lessons based on the student's needs
  • Clarifies any confusion or misunderstanding


  • Prompts the student to communicate with the teacher when needed
  • Answers minor questions and assists with assignments but does not resolve the problem or do the work on the student's behalf
  • Reassures the student when he or she is having trouble understanding a concept
  • Implements some learning activities that might help with areas of weakness
An online school family learning the difference between a 学习教练 and a teacher in virtual school


老师和 学习教练 both play a key role in monitoring a student’s progress. The two are encouraged to stay in contact throughout the school year to discuss how the student is doing. 

Here are a few examples of tasks that 老师 and 学习教练 complete to properly monitor a student's progress:


  • Communicates frequently with the student to ensure that they understand the material before moving on
  • Contacts the 学习教练 to discuss the student’s progress
  • 跟踪最近的活动
  • 分析学生表现
  • Works with the student and establishes a plan to tackle subjects that require more practice


  • Documents the student's attendance on a daily basis
  • 协助组织工作。 时间管理 技能
  • Stays in contact with teacher for regular updates and suggestions
  • Ensures that the student is working at an appropriate learning pace

Even though 老师 and 学习教练 play different roles, the 学生的成功之旅 是一个团队的努力!

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